Zobacz wszystkie - Odeskowanie E4E Oferty Sprzedaży

Garapa , FSC, Odeskowanie (E4E)

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Typ drewna Drewno lite
Rodzaj litego drewna Drewno z Ameryki Południowej
Gatunek/Materiał Garapa (Grapia)
Najważniejsza cecha FSC
Pochodzenie Brazylia
Typ Odeskowanie (E4E)


Ilość 1 - 5000 m2 (sqm) na miesiąc Zmień
Szerokość 145 mm Zmień
Długość 1000-5800 mm Zmień
Grubość 22 mm  Zmień
Jakość FAS, KD 14-16%
Certyfikacja FSC
Features of Garapa decking
Garapa is one of the most affordable hardwoods available.
Garapa's golden color has gained popularity in modern architecture.
Garapa wood's tight water-resistant grain keeps moisture out.
Garapa is resistant to termites and other insect attacks.
It is very easy to care for.
Garapa wood is very strong, hard, and heavy.

REAL DECK – the brand for Wooden Terraces


Real DECK is a trusted brand for wooden terraces with 26 years of experience in the Czech and international markets. With over three million square meters of outdoor wooden decking sold and installed, we only use tested wood species to ensure 100 % material quality and long-term benefits. Our company carefully sources materials from the best processing plants in Southeast Asia, South America, Canada, China, and Europe to ensure consistent quality. We prioritise natural materials that retain their beauty and value over time and only work with suppliers who respect sustainable forest management. We aim to protect non-renewable raw materials for future generations and positively impact society, economy, and the environment. Our logistics department ensures safe and timely transportation of the manufactured material to its final destination. Depending on the wood species, our outdoor wooden decking is either kiln-dried or air-dried, with specific storage areas to minimise changes in moisture and degradation due to weathering. Before the sale, our air-dried timber is stored in outdoor covered racking systems for approximately 1/3 of the year for moisture stabilisation.


Cena i Warunki

Cena Na żądanie EUR per m2 (sqm) Zmień
Incoterm FCA - franco przewoźnik Kraj Czechy Region Prague
Ostateczny termin dostawy Dostępne na zamówienie w terminie poniżej 30 dni
Sprzedaje Cały świat


Platinum członkostwo
7.   Rok

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Garapa , FSC, Odeskowanie (E4E)

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