Zobacz wszystkie - Wielowarstwowe Podłogi "Engineered Flooring"

Teak, Warstwa Nośna Parkietów Wielowarstwowych

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Rodzaj litego drewna Drewno Azjatyckie
Gatunki Teak
Typ Warstwa Nośna Parkietów Wielowarstwowych
Zasadniczy materiał Sklejka


Ilość 1000 - 2000 m2 (sqm) Jednorazowo Zmień
Szerokość 180 mm Zmień
Długość 2500 mm Zmień
Grubość 15 mm  Zmień
Grubość warstwy ścierającej się (wierzchniej) 5 mm
Sale and production in Italy of Parquet prefinished Teak flooring composed of phenolic birch support and glued on top with CE standard vinyl glue upper layer of TEAK noble wood layer of at least 6 mm noble wood profiled male female pre finished already, pre sanded , oiled varnished or to be finished in TEAK TECTONA GRANDIS installation Thickness: 15 mm composed of 10 mm of phenolic birch and 5 mm of noble teak lamella Length com 120-140-180-200-220 mm Length 2 meters forward MAXI LISTONI MAXI PLANCES Price: 44 euros per square meter FOR AT LEAST 1000 SQM WITH OUR SUPPORTED PARQUET YOU WILL HAVE THE SOLID PERFORMANCE BECAUSE IT HAS A TOP LAYER OF 6 MM, THEREFORE IT CAN BE POLISHED AT LEAST 5 TIMES AND THE STABILITY OF THE MULTILAYER GUARANTEED BY THE BETULLA A DIFFERENCE SUPPORT. OF THAT OF THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION THAT HAS ONLY 3 mm !! Teak is one of the most used woods. Durability, stability and aesthetics certainly make it one of the best choices for obtaining a refined environment. With a golden color and a characteristic perfume, it is a particularly suitable choice for prestigious environments. Pale yellow to bronze color. Brown toning. Medium fine texture. Straight grain. Low withdrawal. Medium nervousness. High resistance. Teak has a color that varies from light yellow to bronze. It contains a natural oily resin which makes it extremely resistant. The constant dimensional stability, impermeability and its beauty make Teak particularly sought after on the market, usable not only for flooring but also for the cladding of building facades and in general for nautical applications Goods of excellent quality of the first stem Minimum purchase 1000 square meters For lesser orders contact Refrain waste time and no money Rag.Giosuè Calligaro (+39) 3402841501- Calligaro Giosuè INDUSTRY AND TRADE TIMBER 32040 LOZZO DI CADORE - Translated with google

Cena i Warunki

Cena Na żądanie EUR per m2 (sqm) Zmień
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