Zobacz wszystkie - Tarcica Obrzynana Oferty Kupna

Tarcica Obrzynana Świerk - Whitewood

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Typ Tarcica Obrzynana
Rodzaj gatunków Europejskie Drewno Iglaste
Gatunki Świerk (Picea abies) - Whitewood


Ilość 100-500 m3 na miesiąc Zmień
Grubość 22; 40; 46; 60 mm  Zmień
Szerokość 90; 95; 110; 120; 135 mm Zmień
Długość 4000; 5000 mm Zmień
Normy jakości Europejskie - Francuskie normy CTBA
Jakość 4
Suszenie Suszone komorowo (KD)
Size: length 4000-5000 + -10mm, width 95 + 2-0mm, 40 + 2-0mm.
Moisture content: 12 + 0-2%

Closed bowel: intestine, which is in the sawed product, but not visible on either side or side. Up to 10% is allowed

Sawing error: sawing surface sawing caused by sawing. Not allowed.
Saw Trail: Trace caused by protruding saw teeth. Corrosion: the surface is caused by incorrect sawing caused by corrosion. Not allowed.

Hairy surface: the condition of the surface of the sawed product on which the fiber bundles are replaced and protruded. Not allowed.

Deformation: Distortion of sawed products during sawing and / or drying and / or storage. Not allowed.

Bandwidth: longitudinal curvature of sawed product perpendicular to the surface of the board. Not allowed.

Simple bending: single-deformation deformation. Not allowed.

Composite page bias: two or more deformations of alternating curves. Not allowed.

Bending: longitudinal curvature of sawed product perpendicular to the side surface. Not allowed.

Simple lateral curvature: single curve deformation. Not allowed.
Composite lateral curvature: two or more deformations of alternating curves. Not allowed.

Turnout: bending the sawed product along the width of the sheet. Not allowed.

Twisting: Threaded distortion of sawed product longitudinally. Not allowed.
Flat knuckle: the knob on one or both sides of the timber. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Knot on the side: the knot on one or two sides of the timber. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Edge: the bush on one of the edges of the timber. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Round knuckle: a knot with the largest and smallest diameter in diameter
more than 1.5. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Oval bush: a bush with the largest and smallest diameter diameter of between 1.5 and 4.0
values. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).
Longitudinal bush: a bush with the largest and smallest diameter

more than 4.0. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Laryngeal blade: an edge with the largest and most visible area on the surface
the smallest diameter ratio exceeds 4.0. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Two-leafed knuckle: two on the same face surface, starting at exactly the same point
winged or elongated bush. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Crossbow: the same knuckle on the two opposing sides of the timber. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Unique bush: there are no loose, free surfaces between each bush. Larger

than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).
Grouped buds: no free-flowing free surfaces between the individual buds. It allowed.

Needle: Round or up to 5 mm in diameter, or oval, healthy, overgrown, or
partially overgrown. It allowed.

Punching knuckle: a knot that is over the cross-sectional area over the surface
¾ part with the surrounding wood. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Partially overgrown knuckle: a knot that is the cross sectional circumference of the given surface
he grew up in less than ¾ of the wood around him. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Elongated bush: a bush that has less cross-sectional circumference than the given surface
more than ¼ of the area grew up with the surrounding wood. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Falling knuckle: dead knuckle that is not firmly attached to the surrounding wood. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for lengthening).

Healthy knuckle: a knot in which no damage is caused by corrosion. Larger than 400mm without permissible size limit (for length

Cena i Warunki

Cena Zapytaj o cenę
Incoterm DDU - dostarczone cło nieopłacone Kraj Węgry Region Kecskemét - 6000
Ostateczny termin dostawy Dostępne na zamówienie w terminie powyżej 30 dni
Kupuje od Cały świat


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